Autore: wp_9444226
E-commerce locale: il progetto Monteverde a Domicilio (PODCAST)
Living Lab e Fase 2: la logistica urbana è un servizio pubblico? (PODCAST)
Il ruolo delle due route per la mobilità passeggeri e merci a Roma (PODCAST)
Living Lab Logistica di Roma – WebMeeting 11 maggio
Covid 19: una nuova opportunità di crescita e innovazione per le imprese. (Webinar)
COVID-19: come il lock-down influisce sugli spostamenti abituali degli italiani. Aiutaci a rispondere
Covid 19: fare la spesa sarà più sostenibile? Rispondi alla survey
Post-Covid19 Supply chains: call for papers on Research in Transportation economics by TRElab
Enrico Stefàno: “Ecco il piano per la mobilità urbana di Roma nella Fase 2” (PODCAST)
Covid 2019: un’indagine conoscitiva su come cambia il nostro modo di acquistare i prodotti
COVID-19 e impatto sulla mobilità urbana: l’analisi sulle misure adottate (PODCAST)
TRElab informa: Webinar sul transport Planning
Roma TRE collabora con”Roma Servizi per la Mobilità” di Roma Capitale per il contenimento della diffusione del COVID-19.
Living Lab Logistica di Roma: indagine conoscitiva
L’effetto del COVID-19 sull’inquinamento in Italia. L’intervento di TRElab per il Washington Post
3 Revolutions Future Mobility Policy Conference 2020: il Programma della conferenza a Davis
Il Living Lab Logistica di Roma Capitale presentato alla Commissione Capitolina Mobilità
Presentazione del Living Lab Logistica di Roma Capitale
L’ANCI a Catania per parlare di mobilità sostenibile
TRELab si presenta al MISE
TRElab presenta il Living Lab di Roma Capitale alla conferenza Polis 2019
International Workshop on Benchmarking and Regulation in Transport
TRElab brings to your attention the workshop on benchmarking and regulation in transport that will be held in Turin on the 12th December 2019. The event is organized by the Transport Regulat…
TRElab seminar: “Oltre la Torino-Lione: l’analisi costi benefici dopo il 2019” – 06/12/2019
TRElab Seminar: “End-to-End supply chain” (04/12/2019)
Seminar: “Freight and Service Activity Generation Models in Urban Areas” Speaker: Amedeo Nanni (MSD Italia) The management of the distribution chain with the E2E, or end-to-end m…
POLIS-ALICE 3rd Urban Freight & Logistics public-private strategic dialogue meeting
TRElab director Valerio Gatta attended the POLIS-ALICE 3rd Urban Freight & Logistics public-private strategic dialogue meeting. The objective is to ensure a robust strategic dialogue to …
Estimation of consistent Logit and Probit models using best, worst and best–worst choices
The paper considers random utility models that use a single common vector of random utilities for the computation of best, worst and best–worst choice probabilities, i.e. consistent models. …
Crowdshipping: il potenziale di un sistema di consegna alternativo
TRElab recommends: “Why Chile’s Massive Protests Started With a Subway Fare Hike”
It is easy to think of urban transport as a rather specific field of study. People and goods move everyday but we might consider transport as a niche sector for experts, scholars and profess…
TRElab Seminar: “Prospects for electric scooters uptake in Italy” (22/10/2019)
On October 22 Researcher Mariangela Scorrano will be the guest for a TRElab Seminar in the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Roma Tre. The full title of the intervention …
Sustainable urban freight transport adopting public transport-based crowdshipping for B2C deliveries
Cities crave innovative logistics solutions dealing with the requirements of the ‘on demand economy’. The paper estimates the willingness to act as a crowdshipper (supply) and to buy a crowd…
Planning with stakeholders: Analysing alternative off-hour delivery solutions via an interactive multi-criteria approach
Many cities of different size and in different areas of the world have successfully tested the introduction of off-hour deliveries (OHD) on a voluntary basis, reporting positive effects, bot…
2019 COTA International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Transportation
TRElab is going to take part in the 2019 International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Transportation (ISETT) organized and sponsored by the Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA…
SUMP as a tool for sustainable mobility in Ischia
TRElab and the assocation Legambiente Isola d’Ischia organized a public meeting concerning the SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan) as a tool for sustainable mobility. The event was …
Bridging Transportation Researchers – Online Conference
TRElab calls your attention to the ‘Bridging Transportation Researchers (BTR)’ online conference which will take place 7-8 January 2020. This is an experimental conference, aiming at removin…
IRF e-Learning Webinar. Road User Charging: From Slow March to a Sprint
TRElab suggests this interesting e-Learning webinar promoted by the International Road Federation (IRF) on the opportunities that Road User Charging might open in the market and how is the v…
New paper accepted for presentation in AMEC 2019
TRElab will present a new paper titled “The Effect of airport parking charges on the individual tourists’ airline/airport choice” at the AMEC (Aviation Management and Economics C…
TRElab at the Italian Society of Transport and Logistics Economists XXI Scientific Meeting on “Transport and sustainability ”
How cities can involve freight operators in policy-making? Debate in Antwerp
On 23 August 2019, Giacomo Lozzi, member of TRElab Urban Freight coordinator at Polis, participated in the policy session panel at the Urban logistics Summer School of the University of Antw…
TRElab at IPIC 2019
LLL – “Stalli tecnologici”, new meeting
LLL – Possible experimentation in Torrevecchia area
On the 26th of June 2019, TRElab members Edoardo Marcucci, Valerio Gatta and Ila Maltese met with Graziano Di Gioia (Confcommercio) and Eleonora Di Giacomo (President of Torrevecchia Rete d&…
TRElab workshop: “Valutare la TAV: Missione impossibile?” (25/06/2019)
TRElab mentioned in TRIMIS
Cyclelogistics, enterprise and development: the Italian case
This report is based on the Bachelor thesis of Edoardo Repetto. In his work he analyzes the development of cyclelogistics enterprises in Italy. The hypothesis is that this sector has not de…
Rome Logistics Living Lab – Cargo bike
Rome SUMP – Logistics Living Lab
To pursue the objectives identified by the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the city of Rome, the rationalization of urban logistics intends to harmonize the supply needs necessary to incr…
Innovative solutions to freight distribution in the complex large urban area of Rome
Development economics
Course for: Bachelor students ECTS: 8 Description: The course gives a synthetic but complete understanding of economic growth and development. Specifically, it provides its students with a c…
Transport economics
Course for: Master students ECTS: 7 Description: The course aims at deepening the knowledge of instruments of instruments of economic analysis applied to the transport sector. It will provid…
E-Commerce and urban distribution of goods. Parcel locker as a last mile solution
Valerio Pacelli, a student of the TRElab, investigated the use of parcel lockers as a last mile delivery solution. The full report in Italian can be downloaded. This study analyzes the Autom…
Development of rail freight transport between China and Europe in the framework of the Belt and Road initiative
This report was prepared by Andrea Antoccia, a student of the University of Roma Tre. Following is the abstract of the paper. The full document can be downloaded in Italian. The paper examin…
Logistics Living Lab in Rome officially starts
The Logistics Living Lab (LLL) of the City of Rome has been officially established. The city alderman for transport Linda Meleo has approved the initiative as it fosters dialogue with all st…
Presentations and videos of the NECTAR workshop, March 22/23 2019
The presentations and videos from the NECTAR workshop on “Transport Infrastructures: Investments, Evaluation and Regional Economic Growth” (22/23 March 2019) are now available. The work…
LLL – Introducing the second project: “Stalli tecnologici”
The second project of the LLL of Rome concerns the promotion of technological loading areas. This is part of the plan for the development of areas of loading and unloading bays foreseen by t…
NECTAR workshop Rome 2019: “Transport Infrastructures: Investments, Evaluation and Regional Economic Growth” (22/23 March 2019)
Workshop on Transport Infrastructure NECTAR Cluster 2: Policy and Environment NECTAR Cluster 1: Transport Infrastructure Impacts and Evaluation Cluster 2 and Cluster 1 of NECTAR (Network of …
TRElab Seminar: “Freight and Service Activity Generation Models in Urban Areas” (21/03/2019)
TRElab is proud to announce that on the 21st of March 2019 it will host a seminar in the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Roma Tre. The seminar on Freight and service ac…
New meeting to prepare the Logistics Living Lab in Rome
On the 25th of February, TRElab members Edoardo Marcucci, Valerio Gatta and Ila Maltese met with Andrea Pasotto and Marco Surace (Roma Servizi per la Mobilità) and with Alessandro Fuschiotto…
Crowdshipping: critical points of a promising sustainable urban freight system
The following is a brief summary of the Master thesis of Marco Ferrari, a student of the University of Roma Tre. The thesis was supervised by TRELab director Valerio Gatta and Ila Maltese. T…
ShareLab – Sharing Economy in a Living Lab
Cities are net importers of goods. Ensuring a high level of quality of life for citizens, from an economic and socio-cultural point of view, implies creating an efficient and sustainable sys…
I-CROWD4FR8 – Integrated-CROWDshipping for FReight transport
The research program aimed to analyze the conditions of development and the levers that can promote the dissemination of crowdshipping, understood as the use of the “crowd” (crow…
Public Transport-Based Crowdshipping for Sustainable City Logistics: Assessing Economic and Environmental Impacts
This paper aims at understanding and evaluating the environmental and economic impacts of a crowdshipping platform in urban areas. The investigation refers to the city of Rome and considers …
TRElab Seminar: “Freight and Service Activity Generation Models in Urban Areas”
Seminar: “Freight and Service Activity Generation Models in Urban Areas” Speaker: Diana Ramirez-Rios (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in Transportation Engineering) To understa…
Cargo-Bikes in Rome – TRElab, Roma Servizi per la Mobilità and UPS discuss the Living Lab approach
On the 8th of February 2019, TRELab, Roma Servizi per la Mobilità (the company that oversees strategies, plans, supervises, coordinates and controls private and public mobility for the city …
TRElab Meeting in Bergamo
On the 29th of January 2019, members of TRELAB held a meeting in Bergamo to draft a pilot for testing and studying the potentials of e-grocery. The project will involve researchers and retai…
Urban freight and behaviour change
Course for: PhD students ECTS: 4 Description: This course learns how to define, design and evaluate urban freight policies capable of adequately responding to the sustainability challenges u…
Sustainability, Economic Development and Transport
Course for: Master students ECTS: 8 Description: This course focuses on the sustainability of development patterns. Environmental quality and economic vitality are discussed with a particula…
TRElab Seminar: “Modelling time allocation with discrete-continuous models”
Seminar: “Modelling time allocation with discrete-continuous models” Speaker: Chiara Calastri (Choice Modelling Centre and Institute for Transport Studies University of Leeds, UK…
TRElab Seminar: “Freight trip generation: methods and applications”
Seminar: “Freight trip generation: methods and applications” Speaker: Iván Sánchez-Díaz (Division of Service Management and Logistics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) …
ShareLab Project funded by University of Roma Tre!
The research project ShareLab will be funded by the University of Roma Tre. More info on the project here…
Directors of TRElab as new managing directors of RETREC
Since the 1st of January 2019, Directors of TRELAB Edoardo Marcucci and Valerio Gatta will be the managing directors for the Elsevier journal Research in Transportation Economics. Mor…
SUMP Perugia
3rd VREF Conference: Breakout session “Developments in urban freight modelling”
The breakout session #7 at the 3rd VREF Conference led by Edoardo Marcucci and Gitakrishnan Ramadurai discusses the role of models in urban freight as instruments to search for solutions to …
3rd VREF Conference on Urban Freight
3rd VREF Conference on Urban Freight – Designing urban space and managing flows – the importance of freight for livable cities, 17-19 October 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden. TRELAB members p…
NECTAR Cluster 2 Meeting in Molde
Cluster 2 of NECTAR (Network of European Communications and Transport Activities Research) focuses on policy and environment and is organizing, in collaboration with TRElab, a meeting in Mol…
Urban Mobility Working Group Meeting
TRELAB participates to the Urban Mobility Working Group Meeting organised by ALICE, ERTRAC and ERRAC on 28th September 2018. The working group addresses all aspects of the urban mobility sys…
Alice: Collaborative Innovation Day
Crowdshipping project
SUMP in Rome…is coming
Transport Research Lab at Roma Tre University
Special Issue: Urban freight distribution, land use planning and public administration strategies
Well-being and economic growth are strictly correlated. Cities are the engines of an innovation-based economy where research and new ideas are the core input of production. Urbanisation is b…
Special Issue: Urban policy, freight distribution and behaviour change: stakeholders’ engagement, perception and reaction
Freight transport systems are fundamental to guarantee urban sustainable development. In fact, their role is essential in harmonising economic growth while minimising territorial externaliti…
Integrating direct and reverse logistics in a “living lab” context: evaluating stakeholder acceptability and the potential of gamification to foster sustainable urban freight transport
The chapter tests stakeholder acceptability and their likely behavior change with respect to innovative solutions for improving urban freight transport efficiency and fostering city sustaina…
European urban freight transport policies and research funding: are priorities and H2020 calls aligned?
The European Commission (EC) has recently developed a growing awareness and interest with respect to the challenges urban freight transport (UFT) poses. Consequently, the EC has started defi…
Quali sono gli effetti del pagamento del parcheggio sulla scelta modale dei lavoratori? Implicazioni sulle politiche dei trasporti
La gamification per favorire il coinvolgimento e il cambio di comportamento degli stakeholder della logistica urbana
Sustainable crowdshipping using public transport: a case study evaluation in Rome
The paper analyses the willingness to act as a crowdshipper in the case of a last mile B2C e-commerce for pick up/delivery. Specifically, it focuses on crowdshipping services deployed using …
Analisi ex-ante dell’accettabilità e stima dello shift modale di un sistema di road pricing: il caso di Roma
Large cities like London, Stockholm and Milan have adopted traffic policies for their central areas based on charges applying to the inbound car traffic. The paper, after a comparative revie…
Willingness to pay measures to tailor policies and foster stakeholder acceptability in urban freight transport
Policy-making on Urban Freight Transport (UFT) is complex because it requires dealing with heterogeneous stakeholders with different objectives. The often unforeseen and undesired results de…
Special Issue: Freight Behaviour Research
The importance of freight systems to modern economies and as a major source of externalities necessitates achieving a judicious balance between these important aspects. Inducing behavioural …
Special Issue: Urban freight policy innovation: assessment methods
It is foreseen that this Special Issue will lead to an improved understanding of the various policy assessment tools that can be used when evaluating freight systems and supply chains interv…
Special Issue: Urban freight policy innovation: case studies
The main emphasis of the Special Issue is on gaining a deeper comprehension of the policies capable of influencing practices and measuring policy achievements with respect to the objectives …
Using Repeated-Measurement Stated Preference Data to Investigate Users’ Attitudes Towards Automated Buses Within Major Facilities
The paper reports on the results of an investigation about users’ attitudes towards automated and conventional minibuses for routes within major facilities. A common stated preference questi…
Connected shared mobility for passengers and freight: Investigating the potential of crowdshipping in urban areas
Passengers and freight mobility in urban areas represents an increasingly relevant component of modern city life. On one side, it fosters economic growth, but, on the other, it also generate…
Smart urban freight planning process: integrating desk, living lab and modelling approaches in decision-making
This paper proposes an innovative approach to decision-making processes for urban freight planning that could easily be transferred across cities while capable of jointly taking into account…
Investigating the potential for off-hour deliveries in the city of Rome: Retailers’ perceptions and stated reactions
This paper investigates the potential for off-hour deliveries in the city of Rome. It focuses on retailers that play a fundamental role in the decision making process often determining deliv…
Simulating participatory urban freight transport policy-making: Accounting for heterogeneous stakeholders’ preferences and interaction effects
This paper proposes a novel approach to support participatory decision-making processes in the context of urban freight transport through the integration of discrete choice modeling and agen…
Towards a decision-support procedure to foster stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban freight transport policies
This paper addresses the complex problem of multi-stakeholder decisions in urban freight transport policy-making from a public authority perspective, by proposing a procedure based on a mode…