Federico Sconocchia Pisoni

SurnameSconocchia Pisoni
TitleMAs degree
Position(s)Podcasting, Marketing & Communication for TreLab / Social Media Strategist
DescriptionFederico’s working with TreLab as a podcaster. He has been graduated with honors in International Development Cooperation, with a thesis about the transition of urban centers towards sustainability. Therefore, he has achieved a Master’s degree in Digital Marketing at the Talent Garden Innovation School. For TreLab, he is offering his skills in digital communication, along with a passion for sustainability and logistics, for the developing of the laboratory. He believes that, nowadays, communicating the ongoing projects is a crucial part of the implementation process in itself.
Descrizione Federico collabora con il TreLab in qualità di podcaster. Dopo essersi laureato col massimo dei voti in Cooperazione Internazionale allo Sviluppo, con una tesi legata alla transizione dei centri urbani verso la sostenibilità, ha seguito un master in Digital Marketing presso la Talent Garden Innovation School. Per TreLab mette a disposizione le sue competenze sulla comunicazione digitale con la passione per la sostenibilità e la logistica. Crede che, nella società di oggi, saper comunicare i progetti sui quali si lavora faccia parte del processo stesso di implementazione. 
Research / interest areasDigital communication; digital marketing; digital storytelling; podcasting; transport & logistics
Recent article / activity for TRElab podcasthttps://open.spotify.com/show/44pChbA7ssyTowfDOaxO5c?si=yjzBXYsKQoG2nm7XAWO1xg
Google Scholar
Other relevant social networkswww.fedescony.wordpress.com 
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