Name | Michela |
Surname | Le Pira |
Title | PhD |
Position(s) | Research fellow / Lecturer (Ricercatore t.d. a) at the University of Catania |
Description | Michela Le Pira works at the University of Catania, where she completed her studies in Civil and Transport Engineering (B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D.). She is also a visiting researcher at TU Delft working at the “Freight and Logistics Lab” and at the “hEAT lab”. Her background is in transport planning, with a focus on models for stakeholder engagement, including multi-criteria analysis, agent-based models and discrete choice models. She worked as a PostDoc at the University of Roma Tre and she collaborates with TRElab’s members on researches related to decision-support methods for developing sustainable and innovative urban freight transport policies. |
Descrizione | Michela Le Pira lavora presso l’Università di Catania, dove ha completato i suoi studi in Ingegneria Civile e dei Trasporti. È anche visiting researcher presso TU Delft e in particolare presso il “Freight and Logistics Lab” e “hEAT lab”. Si occupa di pianificazione dei trasporti e di modelli di coinvolgimento degli stakeholder, tra cui l’analisi multicriteria, i modelli ad agenti e i modelli a scelta discreta. Ha lavorato come assegnista di ricerca presso l’Università di Roma Tre e collabora con i membri di TRElab a ricerche relative a metodi di supporto alle decisioni per lo sviluppo di politiche innovative per un trasporto urbano delle merci sostenibile. |
Research / interest areas | Currently, her research focuses on the study of innovative transport systems related to the new shared mobility paradigm and Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and on innovative transport policies to improve passenger and freight mobility. |
Recent article / activity for TRElab podcast | Gatta, V., Marcucci, E., Le Pira, M., Inturri, G., Ignaccolo, M., Pluchino, A. (2020) E-groceries and urban freight: investigating purchasing habits, peer influence and behaviour change via a discrete choice/agent-based modelling approach. Transportation Research Procedia 46, 133-140. |
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